Founded in 1980 |
Original Articles
Norman Cantor
Marking the 40th Anniversary of Quinlan's Landmark Contribution to Death & Dying Jurisprudence
Vincent J. Cirillo, PhD
Oil of Turpentine: Sheet Anchor of 19th-Century Therapeutics
A Jaundiced Soul: The Walter Reed-George Miller Sternberg Yellow Fever Controversy
Dennis Cornfield, MD
Serratia marcescens: A Historical PerspectiveGeorge J. Hill, MD
Health & History
John Zen Jackson, JD
The Father of American Surgery: Philip Syng PhysickFrank F. Katz, PhD
A Guide to Resources in Medical History in New Jersey
Parasites and the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research and a Change in the State of New Jersey's Animal Experimentation Laws in 1915Alan Lippman, MD
Medical Research Misconduct: A Challenge to Scientific Integrity
Sandra W. Moss, MD
The Country Practitioner
The primary source edited by E. P. Townsend, MD
Michael Nevins, MD
Artificial HeartsA Country Doctor Calls for Help
Dancing Through Rutgers Medical College, 1826-1828Dr. Max Danzis
Meanderings in New Jersey's Medical History (Book contains 22 chapters)
New Jersey Halls of Medical Fame and Shame
Tales of Early Jewish DoctorsLinda Whitfield-Spinner
A History of Medicine and the Establishment of Medical Institutions in Middlesex County, New Jersey that Transformed Patient and Doctor Relationships During the Early 20th Century
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